Tomorrow you may get a working woman, but YOU should ‘marry her’ with these facts as well.
Here is a girl, who is as much educated as you are;
Who is earning almost as much as you do;
One, who has dreams and aspirations just as you have
because she is as human as you are;
One, who has never entered the kitchen in her life just like you or your sister, as she was busy in studies and competing in a system that gives no special concession to girls for their culinary achievements.
One, who has lived and loved her parents & brothers & sisters, almost as much as you do for 20-25 years of her life;
One, who has bravely agreed to leave behind all that, her home, people who love her, to adopt YOUR home, YOUR family, YOUR ways and even YOUR family name.
One, who is somehow expected to be a master-chef from day #1, while you sleep oblivious to her predicament in her new circumstances, environment and that kitchen.
One, who is expected to make the tea, first thing in the morning and cook food at the end of the day, even if she is as tired as you are, maybe more, and yet is never ever expected to complain;
to be a servant, a cook, a mother, a wife, even if she doesn’t want to;
One, who is learning just like you are as to what you want from her; and is clumsy and sloppy at times and knows that you won' t like it if she is too demanding, or if she learns faster than you;
One, who has her own set of friends, and that includes boys and even men at her workplace too, and some, who she knows from school days and yet is willing to put all that on the back-burners to avoid your irrational jealousy, unnecessary competition and your inherent insecurities;
Yes, she can drink and dance just as well as like you can, but would often be hesitant about it, simply because you won't like it, even though you say otherwise in front of others.
One, who can be late from work once in a while when deadlines, just like yours, are to be met;
One, who is doing her level best and wants to make this most important relationship in her entire life a grand success, if you just help her and trust her;
One, who just wants one thing from you, as you are the only one she knows in your entire house - your unstinted support, your sensitivities and most importantly - your understanding, or love, if you may call it.
But not many guys understand this......!
You are in my every act.
You are in my every dream.
You are why I put on an act before the world.
You are why I dream.
You are in my every word.
You are in my every songwriting.
You are why I fall short of words for.
You are why I sing.
You are in my mornings.
You are in my happiness since before.
You are why I wish to wake up.
You are why I’m happy to the core.
You are in my faith.
You are in my secrets galore.
You are why I believe in faith.
You are why I keep my secrets for.
You are the present I foresee in my future.
You are the love in my life.
You are why I feel my future is present.
You are why I love to live life!
© Sneha Kapoor. All Rights Reserved.
Know whatever I DO,
I arrive at you!
CHUCKLE. On seeing you like a teeny-weeny baby.
HOP. I go jumpin’ towards you like a furry bunny.
SING. To you like a merry merry kookaburra in the sky.
FLUTTER. I flap my wings like an utterly butterly butterfly.
SNUGGLE. Like a baby bear in big bear’s arms, secure.
CLIMB. The toughest crest, for you – firm and fore.
IMAGINE. You in a view no less than a rose-tinted reverie.
SEARCH. Begins and closes on you, and always will, for me.
BREAK. The laws of nature to be with you.
THANK. God, everyday for gifting me – you.
When what I wished for comes to life like a shooting star.
When it matters not, how far you really are.
When where I sight, I see you.
Know, in me, boy, I feel you.
When what I like, to you, I want to reveal.
When it’s “you” I want as my only meal.
When what I sense, with you, I want to share.
Know, in my heart, you’re always there.
When brown unifies with turquoise blue.
When in movie stills, I picture me and you.
When every time I hum, you make me blush.
Know, in my voice, you rush.
When what you say, what you do.
When our silence words it out, clue by clue.
When dreams high5 the summit.
Oh baby, that’s how far I’d commit.
When my imaginations chalk out your face.
When only in you, I find my taste.
When all I want from life takes your name.
Know, I’m certain you feel the same.
When a problem daunts me, you'd be my super-hero.
When a tear wants to roll down my cheeks, you’d just know.
When how we “connect” feels like we were meant to be.
Know, what we share is most precious to me.
When every chance to talk and meet would be taken,
When every time, you’d leave my senses, stirred and shaken.
When what I hide, you’d make out in no time.
Know, what it feels to be with you, feels so fine.
When what love is, to me, only “you” can explain.
When what I thought it was, is exactly what I gain.
When on me, you shower love, day-n-night, incessantly.
Know, I pride myself on being loved by you, baby.
© Sneha Kapoor. All Rights Reserved.